Following this year’s AGM (and an EGM for the remaining positions) we’re pleased to announce the OW! committee for 2018-19:
Matt Butler, President
En May Lim, Secretary
Andrew Bunting, Treasurer
James Famelton, Male Squad Captain
Phili Kent, Female Squad Captain
Sydney Vennin, Women’s Vice Captain
Dan Phillips, Men’s Vice Captain
Enzia Schnyder, Welfare Officer
Ben Moseley, Welfare Officer
Grace Manley, Stash Master
Jeff Sload, Male Social Secretary
Emer Chang, Female Social Secretary
Jonathan Grant-Peters, College Coordinator
Ian Roper, Outreach Officer
Congratulations to the following players receiving Half Blues:
Sarah-Jane Rodgers
Joyce Kwok
Christine Moore
Yan Han Goh
Phili Kent
Roisin Jackson
Enzia Schnyder
James Famelton
Ian Roper
Nicky Halterman
Russell Petry
Harry Mason
Dan Phillips
Jeff Sload
And the recipients of First Team Colours:
Nadine White
Carla Groenland
Luka Klimaviciute
Hamza Alawiye
Stephan Gaiser-Porter
Ben Moseley
As always, following the AGM we presented the end of year awards. Congratulations to the winners:
Ian Roper, Male Most Valuable Player & Best Sideline
Sarah-Jane Rodgers, Female MVP
Dan Phillips, Male Most Improved Player & Funniest Off-Pitch Moment
Nadine White, Female MIP
Harry Mason, Male Most Spirited Player & Offensive Player of the Year
Roisin Jackson, Female MSP
Hamza Alawiye, Defensive POTY
Russell Petry, Best Photo
Stephan Gaiser-Porter, Male Fresher of the Year
Phili Kent, Female FOTY
Matt Butler, Play of the Year & Funniest On-Pitch Moment
Christine Moore & Phili Kent, Best On-Pitch Connection
Dylan Salzman & Allegra Molkenthin, Jake Marrus Visiting Student Award for Best Chat, Best Bant, Best Frisbee and Biggest Lad
We’d like to say a massive well done to all our players for a fantastic year of ultimate! Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into training, for persevering through the horrible winter weather and for producing the goods when it counted. The improvement over the whole year has been incredible. Best of luck to those who are leaving Oxford this summer, and for the rest of you: see you next year!