2023-24 Season Recap

It’s been another great year for OW! It’s been great seeing so many people at training, socials and tournaments. Thank you for showing up and making OW! what it is!


Varsity this year was as fun as ever. On the first day, the outdoor teams battled some pretty horrific weather to come through with some much improved results from last year. Shoutout to the Women’s outdoor team for securing a huge 7-2 victory! We also had some tight indoor wins in the mixed and men’s teams, and a great weekend overall. Thanks for hosting Cambridge, and we look forward to next year’s tournament in Oxford!

Mixed Outdoor Nationals

We took a team to Mixed Outdoor Nationals after the end of Trinity term in Birmingham. It was a weekend of great weather, great frisbee and all around great vibes! Highlights included qualifying for Div 1, a great meal at a local pub, and an incredibly tight game to Universe point against Cambridge. Thanks to everyone for taking time out of their holidays to come and play!


We sent three indoors teams to nationals this year; men’s and mixed to division 1, and women’s to division 2. This represented a huge effort from everyone – it was great to see!

Our women came 2nd in division 2 – a huge result, on a dramatic weekend that involved driving up to Scotland and a car crash – well done to all!

Our mixed and men’s teams had a harder time in division 1, but still managed to come through with some great results, finishing 16th and 19th respectively. Just don’t ask about the boy’s car back to Oxford on Saturday evening…

Michaelmas 2023 Recap: Huge success!!

What an incredible start to the year we’ve had here at OW!! Let’s look back at some of our highlights!

Firstly, welcome to all our new players, it’s been awesome getting to know you all!
We had a fantastic time at fresher’s fair, it was amazing to see so many people playing frisbee, many for the first time!!
Thank you to everyone who came and got involved!


This term saw huge success and great spirit across all our teams at indoor tournaments. We managed to qualify for nationals in all 3 events! (mixed, women’s and men’s)
Not only that, but our mixed and men’s teams both WON regionals!!
We’re looking forward to seeing what the teams can achieve at nationals, good luck to everybody!


Despite the chilly temperatures and extreme levels of mud that winter often brings us, we’ve still had lots of awesome outdoor frisbee going on too!
First of all, we welcomed Reading and Warwick for the inaugural WOW friendly tournament, where we went undefeated all day, claiming the trophy!
Next up, WOW travelled to Loughborough for the first day of BUCS games.
We took home a massive victory against Warwick in our first game, before unfortunately falling short to Cambridge in a tightly contested game.

We’re so proud of everyone who’s played with OW this term, we’ve grown so much as a team in just one term, we can’t wait to see what the future holds!!

Michaelmas 2023 Update

We’ve got an exciting term up ahead, packed full of lots of ultimate. See here for when it’s all happening!

  • Taster sessions: Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October, 2-4 pm both days, at uni parks near the Keble gate. These sessions are open to absolutely everyone, so ideal to give the sport a go!
  • Hat tournament: Sunday 22nd October, 10am – 4pm at uni parks. Sign up here! https://forms.gle/N6jShrSFMZ7UJMALA
  • Weekly trainings starting from week 1:
    • Outdoors (Whole club): Wednesdays 7:30-9am and Saturdays 9-11am, both at uni parks, near the Keble gate
    • Indoors (Invite only): Mondays 8-9:30am and Thursdays 5:30-7am, both at Iffley Sports Centre, in the main hall

We also have loads of awesome socials up ahead, see the term card below!

For more regular updates, join our Facebook group and follow our instagram!

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxuniultimate

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oxuniultimate/

See you soon,


OW! 2022-23 Season

We’ve had another wonderful year of ultimate here at OW!, here are some of our best bits from the season!


This year we managed to qualify both our women’s and mixed teams to division 2 nationals! At nationals, the mixed team finished a respectable 16th, while the women’s team managed to beat seed and finish 13th!


This year, our women competed in the BUCS league. This season saw many spirited performances, including a win against UEA and a tie with Warwick. Special mention to our captain Hui Wen and coach Serena for all their hard work in developing this team, we’re looking forward to seeing what we can achieve in the coming years with WOW!


We were delighted to welcome Cambridge back for our first home varsity in a long time!
We had 11 teams compete across both indoor and outdoor matches, with over 30 players competing, and plenty more on the sidelines, supporting every step of the way!
We had some spectacular matches, including very close finishes in the outdoor women’s and mixed firsts. In the end we faced an excellent Cambridge squad, who managed to edge ahead of us on many occasions.
Congratulations to Cambridge, and we look forward to next year, where we’ll be ready to win our trophies back!


Perhaps the club’s biggest achievement from this year is winning the first UKU Spirit of the Game award for University of the Year! This reflects on a year of excellent spirit throughout the club, at both trainings and under the pressure of tournaments. Shout out to our spirit officer Kay for all her hard work in helping this happen!

Finally, a special mention to two of our new players, Molly and Lena, who represented GB at the European Youth Ultimate Championships this summer!

We look forward to seeing you again soon for another huge season of ultimate!

September 2022 Update

We will be running 2 taster sessions at the start of michaelmas term, which will be completely open to all, no matter your ability:

2-4pm Saturday 8th October @ Uni Parks (at the gate near Keble)
2-4pm Sunday 9th October @ Uni Parks (at the gate near Keble)

Please come along if you’re interested in giving frisbee a go, we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

OW! 2021-2022 Season

It’s been a while since we’ve updated the website but that doesn’t mean our seasons been quiet, in fact it’s been anything but that. Here’s one big post summarising all of our results and best moments from the 2021-2022 season!


Regionals: Our indoor season this year began as one of the best ever! We managed to qualify all three teams to nationals; womens, mixed and men’s with the men’s team going to division 1!

Nationals: We continued the streak of brilliant results with the women’s team finishing 12th at div 2, beating seed and the men’s team coming an amazing 6th place starting all the way at the bottom as the 20th seed in div 1! Finally we played mixed div 2 were we finished a respectable 10th, just missing out on the top bracket.

Outdoor BUCS

BUCS league: Both the men’s and women’s team this year competed in the BUCS league. The men’s team won 4 and lost 3 games and the women qualified for div 2 nationals!

Women’s Nationals: The women continued their form into nationals, braving some very difficult cold weather but persevering and playing some really nice ultimate!


Varsity 2021-2022 was one to remember! We took over 30 players to Cambridge to compete over the weekend in both indoors and outdoors fixtures!

Indoor Varsity: We had multiple teams compete this year at indoor varsity, two men’s teams, two women’s teams and one mixed team. We had some great match ups with the Cambridge, with the women’s second winning their match, the women’s first playing a tightly contested game and the men’s first losing on universe.

Outdoor varsity: We had four teams compete at outdoor varsity, two men’s teams, one women’s and one mixed team. The women’s team opened up the fixtures with a close game against the Cambridge women. The men then player after, with the seconds winning their match and the men’s first sadly again losing an epic game on universe. Finally we finished with the mixed were team put up a good fight but unfortunately lost.

Congratulations to Cambridge, they were incredible and got the better of us in some close fought games. Next year the fixtures will be in Oxford and we will be ready to reclaim our trophies!


Logo: We updated our logo this year, it’s a just a slightly modern take on the current logo! We had multiple designs which went to a club vote and this is the final design!

Stash: We also managed to get new kit this year thanks to the hard work of our stash officer Kate. They had to deal with some fairly troublesome shipping issues due to Covid but the kit made it’s way to Oxford and we are excited to rep it next year!

Oxford Ultimate

In UK Ultimate there is large club scene and fortunately in Oxford, along side OW! there is a a local club team; Oxford Ultimate. Many of our players simultaneously play for both, representing Oxford in indoor and outdoor tournaments, both at regional and national level!


If you want to get involved in ultimate this upcoming year, make sure to join our Facebook group and give our Instagram a follow! Trainings will be restarting typically around late September as people return to Oxford for term.

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxuniultimate

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oxuniultimate/

If you are around in Oxford over summer and want to play ultimate, then feel free to join the Oxford Ultimate page and come to the club trainings which happen year round (the coaching is very good). The club is very happy to have new players/beginners come to training so by all means please join the group.

Oxford Ultimate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/116166985198745

OW! – October Update

Wow, what a month October has been for OW!. Let’s see some of the highlights! Firstly thank you to everyone who attended the taster session. We had over 150 people come try ultimate which is fantastic! Thank you to everyone who came and especially to new players who’ve joined OW! Our club is the biggest it’s been for a long time and we love it 💙

We also recently had the Oxford Hat which went amazingly! Again the turnout was huge, everyone got to play lots of ultimate and meet new people. Thank you to everyone who attended, we hope you had a great time. A special thank you to everyone who helped organise it!

As we’ve mentioned our club has never been bigger but it’s also never been busier. We have our weekly club outdoor trainings where we’ve played some high quality ultimate despite the rough weather in Oxford ⛱. We have our first and second mixed indoor team training regularly, preparing for mixed indoor regionals on the 6th of November and our women’s trainings every Friday morning with our amazing coach Mags, similarly preparing for women’s outdoor regionals.

The great news is November is only going to get busier with lots of ultimate, tournaments and socials. We look forward to seeing you all ✊


2021 OW Training Schedule/Update

We are currently midway through freshers week with lot’s of frisbee upcoming. In the following month we have,

  • Taster sessions: Saturday & Sunday (9th &10th October) at university parks near Keble.
  • Weekly indoor and outdoor training: Starting from WEEK 1 (from the 11th of October).
  • Beginner’s College Training (17th of October).
  • Oxford Hat Tournament (24th of October, sign-up https://qrco.de/bcS25Q)

We also have club socials planned weekly throughout Michaelmas term, see the term card provided by our amazing social secs Matt and Seren.

Social media

Follow our Facebook page for regular OW updates: https://www.facebook.com/oxuniultimate

Join our Facebook group for training information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxuniultimate

Follow our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/oxuniultimate/


OW Update – “Not” uni mixed nationals

Congratulations OW for a great performance at “not” uni mixed nationals. We finished 11th having started the day seeded 20th which is amazing jump up the ranks. 🎉🎉

We’d like to give special mention to our alumni who played this weekend. You’ve been a massive part of our club (some longer than others 😉) and are leaving us now with some great memories, not least this weekend. So from OW, a big thank you to

  • Aidan Reynolds
  • Ed Miller
  • Grace Manley
  • Harry Mason
  • James Famelton
  • May Lim
  • Nick Sim
  • Phili Kent

Can’t wait to see you all beat Cambridge again at alumni varsity! 😍👌

We’d also like to give a special mention to Alistair White-Horne, Jia Jhing, Mahati Garimella, for absolutely smashing it this weekend! Well played 👏

We’ve all missed playing competitive ultimate and the team spirit from spending a weekend together. We can all agree that finally getting back to playing a tournament felt amazing. Thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to seeing you again at preseason.


2021 OW Update – Committee

As we prepare for the upcoming season, we’d like to begin by introducing the committee for the 2021-2022 season.


  • Kay Song (Women’s Captain)
  • Grisel Revia (Women’s Vice)
  • Luka Nedic (Men’s Captain)
  • Tom Morris (Men’s Vice)
  • Mateo Galdeano Solans (President)
  • Jonas Schuff (Secretary)
  • Allister White-Horne (Treasurer)
  • Kate Maurer-Song (Stash Officer)
  • Seren Atkinson (Social Sec)
  • Matt Strutton (Social Sec)
  • Kieran Moore (Spirit Officer)
  • Mahati Garimella (Welfare Officer)
  • James Famelton (Alumni Rep)

We have a huge season of ultimate planned and upcoming. See you soon for pre-season 😉