2020 COVID-19 Return to Play update

OW will be returning to play in Michaelmas 2020. We are in the process of finalising our return to play plans with the Oxford sports federation to unsure that it is a safe return to ultimate.

All the details about taster sessions and training times will be posted as soon as they are ready. Please join our mailing list or facebook group to be kept up to date.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the President or for COVID-19 specific questions you can contact the our COIVD officer also.

2019 OW! Taster Sessions

We have two ultimate frisbee taster sessions at the start of Michaelmas term. These are open to anyone who wants to try ultimate frisbee for the first time! Anyone is welcome, please come along!

Saturday 12th October 14.00-15.30 @ Angel & Greyhound Meadows (next to Magdalen bridge)

Sunday 13th October 14.00-15.30 @ Angel & Greyhound Meadows

For more information on our training schedule over the year, see the training page.

AGM 2019: The new committee and awards!

We held our annual general meeting and dinner on the 10th May. It was a super fun night, where we also discussed some motions and elected a new club committee, as well as awarded half-blues, colours and awards.

We’re pleased to announce the OW! committee for 2019-20:

En May Lim, President
Josephine Carnegie, Secretary
Grace Manley, Treasurer
Edelweiss Ng, Female Squad Captain
Ben Moseley, Male Squad Captain
Laura Ann Bull, Women’s Vice Captain
Hayato Kaneda, Men’s Vice Captain
James Famelton, Welfare Officer
Phili Kent, Stash Master & Social Secretary
Matt Buckland, Social Secretary
TBC, College Coordinator
Matt Butler, Outreach Officer

In addition, the following non-committee roles that were elected:

James Famelton, Spirit Officer
Andrew Bunting, Alumni Rep

Congratulations to the following players for receiving Half Blues:

Joyce Kwok
Phili Kent
Sofia Contino
Grace Manley
En May Lim
Kiyomi Ran
Enzia Schnyder
Andrew Bunting
Bill Kroeger
Matt Butler
Rob Freeman
Tim Teoh
Harry Mason
Jeff Sload

And the recipients of First Team Colours:

Sydney Vennin
Edelweiss Ng
Dani Munro
Gladys Lee
Hayato Kaneda
Ryan Friets
James Mason
James Famelton
Wing Chung

As always, following the AGM we presented the end of year awards. Congratulations to the winners:

Phili Kent, Female MVP & Joyce Kwok Excelsior Award
Matt Butler, Male Most Valuable Player
Catherine Evans, Female Most Improved Player
Ryan Friets, Male MIP
Josephine Carnegie, Female Fresher of the Year
Hayati Kanada, Male FOTY
Jeff Sload & Harry Mason, Best On-Pitch Connection
Jeff Sload, Funniest On-Pitch Moment
Steph Jordan, Funniest Off-Pitch Moment & Jake Marrus Visiting Student Award for Best Chat, Best Bant, Best Frisbee and Biggest Lad
Kiyomi Ran, Russell Petry SPIRIT Award
Enzia Schnyder, Sarah-Jane Rodgers Absolute Babe Award
Harry Mason, Spirit Beacon
James Famelton, Most Dedicated Driver

A big thanks to everyone for a great year of ultimate! Thank you for coming to trainings regardless of the weather or time of day, bringing your all and making it so much fun. It’s been fantastic to see the growth in everyone’s skills and confidence over the year. We wish the best of luck to anyone who’s leaving Oxford this summer (you’re always welcome back), and for the rest of you: see you on the pitch next year!

OW! 2018/19 Pre-season fitness guide

“Just playing ultimate is not enough. To really improve your game, you need to build your strength, core and flexibility off of the pitch.”

OW! will soon start training for another epic year of ultimate. We have some big goals ahead of us: Indoors, Mixed Outdoors, BUCS and more.

We all know it. Fitness is important for playing ultimate.

Whether it means hitting the gym or training in the park, this pre-season fitness guide should give you some prompts and top tips on how to raise your game before and during the 2018/19 OW! season, by doing some ultimate-specific fitness training.




First up, strength and flexibility. Both are important for ultimate. The static exercises below are great for ultimate. Type them into YouTube if you’re not sure what they are.

  1. LEG STRENGTHENING. squats, split-squats, box step-ups, squat jumps, lunges. Nordic hamstring curls, leg curls, calf raises.
  2. PUSH-PULL EXERCISES. bench press, shoulder press, push-ups, pull-ups, tricep dips, dumbbell rows.
  3. HIP EXPLOSION. kettle bell swings, hang-cleans, deadlifts, single leg deadlifts.
  4. Plank, Russian twists, bicycle crunches, leg raises, rollouts, raised leg single squats, supermans, burpees, sit-ups.
  5. Stretching: focus on hip extension, hamstrings, shoulders, glutes, quads, calves, ankles.



Second, endurance and agility. Better ultimate players work on both of these. The majority of the exercises below don’t need any equipment: the park is the best place to try them!

  1. SHUTTLE RUNS: Try high intensity, short interval training. Try 10 x 180 degree turns in 30 s of sprinting, and then 90 secs of rest. Repeat 10 times.
  2. LEARN HOW TO SPRINT: Sprinting is a core part of the game, yet few players practice it. Practice: A,B,C skips, driving your arms, increasing your cadence, taking shorter steps, leaning forward, correcting your shin angle, correcting your breathing, running uphill.
  3. AGILITY DRILLS: Practice your footwork (e.g. on agility ladder): shuffles & skips. Practice your turning, core engagement, and jumping.






Pick a few of the exercises above (not all of them!) and try a workout!

If you’re just beginning and are not sure what to do, here’s two example weeks to try:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Squat jumps 4 sets x 8 reps

Assisted push-ups 4 sets x 8 reps

Leg raises 3 sets x 8 reps

Front plank 3 sets x 30 secs

Bicycle crunches 3 sets x 30 secs


REST 400 m jog warmup

A,B skips x 200 m each

Shuttle runs 6 x 180 degree turns in 20 s of sprinting, then 90 secs of rest. Repeat 8 times.

Warm down


REST Box-step ups 4 sets x 8 reps

Calf raises 4 sets x 8 reps

Single leg deadlifts 4 sets x 8 reps

Burpees 3 sets x 8

Supermans 3 sets x 30 s





Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
400 m jog warmup

Agility: Skater skips 3 sets x 10, Practice turns x 10 each side, Practice jumps from two/ single legs

10 x 50 m straight sprints, focusing on good running form

Warm down



REST Longer stretching session REST Split squats 4 sets x 10

Assisted pull-ups 3 sets x 5

Russian twists 3 sets x 30 secs

Leg raises 3 sets x 8 reps





  • For each static workout, we recommend picking 3-4 exercises and trying 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps.
  • For each dynamic workout, try to get a minimum of 30 mins of high intensity exercise in.
  • Gradually build up the number and intensity of the exercises with each workout as you progress.
  • We recommend 1-2 fitness sessions a week for beginners, and 2-3 sessions for advanced players. But listen to your body – allow it time to rest!



“Prevention of injuries is key. By working out, you reduce your chance of injury.”

Being able to manage injury well is critical for your long-term ultimate career. We want minimal injuries over the 2018/19 OW! season. Below are some top tips on how to prevent and cope with injury.

  • Be injury-savvy. Prevention is key, and a simple relationship is:


Working out for ultimate lowers your risk of injury.



  1. Don’t play injured. See a doctor and get the right diagnosis.
  2. Recover and build strength. Don’t just aim for your original level of fitness, aim to be stronger than before. This reduces your chances of the same injury reoccurring.
  3. Patience. Take one day at a time, look at what you can achieve from each workout.
  4. Positivity & perspective. Our mental game affects all other parts of our game. Be grateful you can come back, learn from your injury, and, eventually, don’t let your past injuries hold you back.




A good diet is vital when playing any sport.

Many ultimate players don’t realise how much fuel their bodies need to keep up with the sport.



Are you eating enough for ultimate?

A three hour OW! training session or a 40 min workout could easily burn 600+ calories. Make sure your body is able to cope!

Have a read of this article on nutrition for ultimate.


Other help: contact the OW! Welfare Officers.

OW! Gender Equity Statement

At the EGM last month, the club passed a Gender Equity Statement. You can find it here: Gender Equity Statement

We think this is an important step in achieving gender equality in our club, as well as promoting it to others in ultimate and the wider sporting community.

We will hold ourselves accountable, and plan to review it and evaluate how well, as a club, we stuck to these aims and actions at the AGM next year.

2018-19 Committee and End of Year Awards

Following this year’s AGM (and an EGM for the remaining positions) we’re pleased to announce the OW! committee for 2018-19:

Matt Butler, President
En May Lim, Secretary
Andrew Bunting, Treasurer
James Famelton, Male Squad Captain
Phili Kent, Female Squad Captain
Sydney Vennin, Women’s Vice Captain
Dan Phillips, Men’s Vice Captain
Enzia Schnyder, Welfare Officer
Ben Moseley, Welfare Officer
Grace Manley, Stash Master
Jeff Sload, Male Social Secretary
Emer Chang, Female Social Secretary
Jonathan Grant-Peters, College Coordinator
Ian Roper, Outreach Officer

Congratulations to the following players receiving Half Blues:

Sarah-Jane Rodgers
Joyce Kwok
Christine Moore
Yan Han Goh
Phili Kent
Roisin Jackson
Enzia Schnyder
James Famelton
Ian Roper
Nicky Halterman
Russell Petry
Harry Mason
Dan Phillips
Jeff Sload

And the recipients of First Team Colours:

Nadine White
Carla Groenland
Luka Klimaviciute
Hamza Alawiye
Stephan Gaiser-Porter
Ben Moseley

As always, following the AGM we presented the end of year awards. Congratulations to the winners:

Ian Roper, Male Most Valuable Player & Best Sideline
Sarah-Jane Rodgers, Female MVP
Dan Phillips, Male Most Improved Player & Funniest Off-Pitch Moment
Nadine White, Female MIP
Harry Mason, Male Most Spirited Player & Offensive Player of the Year
Roisin Jackson, Female MSP
Hamza Alawiye, Defensive POTY
Russell Petry, Best Photo
Stephan Gaiser-Porter, Male Fresher of the Year
Phili Kent, Female FOTY
Matt Butler, Play of the Year & Funniest On-Pitch Moment
Christine Moore & Phili Kent, Best On-Pitch Connection
Dylan Salzman & Allegra Molkenthin, Jake Marrus Visiting Student Award for Best Chat, Best Bant, Best Frisbee and Biggest Lad

We’d like to say a massive well done to all our players for a fantastic year of ultimate! Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into training, for persevering through the horrible winter weather and for producing the goods when it counted. The improvement over the whole year has been incredible. Best of luck to those who are leaving Oxford this summer, and for the rest of you: see you next year!

Metaswitch Sponsorship 2017-18

We’re extremely pleased to announce that Metaswitch are sponsoring Oxford University Ultimate for 2017-18. It’s an absolute pleasure to have their support and we hope to send more players than ever before to tournaments this year! Thank you!



Metaswitch is the world’s leading cloud based communications software company. Our award-winning solutions power more than 1,000 worldwide service provider networks.

We design and develop commercial and open-source software solutions. We package our software into products that are redefining consumer and business communications while transforming communication networks.


We are recruiting talented and motivated graduates, post graduates and Interns from any degree discipline to join us as Engineers.  You don’t need any experience – just have an interest in technology and be willing to take on big challenges!


You will have a great academic background (all A grades at A Level and a good degree in any subject), and be looking to build your career in a company full of really smart people who love solving problems and working together in a collaborative and innovative environment.


Read on!  Then, visit our website for further information about Metaswitch, the roles we have available and the people that work here.

You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

New Committee & End of Year Awards

Here is the committee for 2017-18:

Roisin Jackson, President
Matt Butler, Secretary
Joyce Kwok, Treasurer
Ian Roper, Male Squad Captain
Sarah-Jane Rodgers, Female Squad Captain
Fintan Owens, Stash Master
Nicky Halterman, Male Social Secretary
Kellie Harkin, Female Social Secretary
Tiger Hills, College Coordinator
Russell Petry, Outreach Officer
Enzia Schnyder, Women’s Development Officer

Congratulations to the following players receiving Half Blues:

Andrew Bunting
Arthur Wolstenholme
Ian Roper
Matt Butler
Nathan Wragg
Nicky Halterman
Russell Petry
Cathryn Klusmeier
Joyce Kwok
Lamia Ateshian
Nina Klein
Roisin Jackson

And the recipients of First Team Colours:

Hamza Alawiye
Josh Lanier
Wing Chung Liu

And the AGM would not be complete without the end of year awards so congratulations go to:

Jon Daly, Male Most Valuable Player
Joyce Kwok, Female MVP
Nicky Halterman, Male Most Improved Player
Lamia Ateshian, Female MIP
Russell Petry, Male Most Spirited Player
Nina Klein, Female MSP
Ian Roper, Offensive Player of the Year
Nathan Wragg, Defensive POTY and Funniest Off-Pitch Moment/Best Photo
Dan Phillips, Male Fresher of the Year
Tara Keenan, Female FOTY
Nathan Wragg & Harry Mason, Play of the Year (UMWON 2017)
Noémi Blome & Joyce Kwok, Best On-Pitch Connection
Noah Caplin, Funniest On-Pitch Moment(s)
Ariana Mapua, Best Sideline
Noémi Blome, Best Rehab

Well done to all our players for a phenomenal year of ultimate! Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into training and for bringing the intensity that brought home the silverware at the end of a sensational season. Best of luck to those who have exams and those who are leaving Oxford this summer!

WFDF update to the Rules of Ultimate

The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) have released a new set of Rules of Ultimate and Rules Appendix. These came into effect on 1st January 2017 so have a read and make sure you’re up to date before you head onto the field!


